Picture of EBL Raith eLINE
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Ultra high resolution electron beam lithography system for nanofabrication on substrates up to 100 mm. Laser interferometer stage with resolution 1 nm. Secondary electron detectors for high resolution imaging. System equipped with load lock and traxx and periodixx features.

Minimum feature size < 10 nm 

Beam energy range: 20 V to 30 kV

Writing field size: 0.5 μm to 2 mm.

Field stitching < 40 nm 

Traxx  - This unique function allows possibility to move the stage continuously during an exposure. With this function it is possible to create long lines with arbitrary curvature without any stitching error at all.

Periodixx - MBMS exposure mode, the beam movement is defined such that the combination of repetitive patterning and synchronized continuous movement of the Laser Interferometer Stage results in stitch-free, strip-shaped periodic structures.

Substrate holders:

  • Universal sample holder - small pieces up to 2 inch wafer
  • 2 inch wafer holder
  • 3 inch wafer holder
  • 4 inch mask holder
Tool name:
CLR - 124
eLINE Plus
Tool rate:

Standard settings: 
30 µm   Aperture
10 kV    EHT

10 mm   Working Distance
100 µm  Writefield
20 nm    Step Size (Pixel)

0.24 nA  Current
5-7 nm   Resolution

Beam Calibration Settings (January 2024)

  Standard Large Area Small Area High Aspect Ratio
Aperture, µm 30 60 10 30
EHT, kV 10 10 10 20
WD, mm 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000
Current, nA 0.24 0.81 0.028 0.367
Aperture X -0.7 3 0.9 -1.7
Aperture Y -0.2 0.6 -1.6 -0.2
Stigmation X 0.7 0.8 1.9 0.7
Stigmation Y 0.7 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4
Gun Align X,Y 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0
Beam Shift X,Y 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0


Universal Sample Holder - Useful Z-Heights

  Initial Insertion Beam Current Measurement Si Sample Surface (WD 10mm) Sample Holder Surface (WD 10mm) Calibration Spheres (WD 10mm)
Z-Height (mm) 18.0 26.0 26.0 26.5 20.48


Resists and Doses

PMMA (Spin 4000rpm, bake 180 oC, 3 min)

Required Doses, μC/cm2 (30um 10kV 10mm)
General               170
Area Exposure     120 - 160
Microstructures    130 - 180
Nanostructures    160 - 230

Develop in either
-MIBK:IPA               30-60 seconds, or
-IPA:H2O (93:7%)   10-30 seconds
(Then, immediately rinse in Isoproponol for 30 seconds, and blow dry fully in N2.)


CSAR 62 (Spin 4000rpm, bake 160 oC, 3 min)
Required Doses, μC/cm2 (30um 10kV 10mm)
General      75
Range         55-80

Develop in Amyl Acetate 8 - 20 seconds
(Then, immediately rinse in Isoproponol for 30 seconds, and blow dry fully in N2.)


Note: for improved metal lift off, first spin a bottom layer of Copolymer beneath either PMMA or CSAR.
Spin 4000 rpm, bake 160 oC for 3 minutes. Develop together with PMMA.


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